Our fees

Lawyers often charge on an hourly rate basis. We do that too, but endeavour to provide estimates so you have some certainty about the charges. At JMJ Lawyers we also give you an option of fixed fees for certain transactions. Note, if the transaction is done through our ON-LINE services it attracts a discount.

Our fixed fees for standard transactions are:

Wills & EPA(s)

Preparing or updating a Will $400.00
Preparing or updating a Will (couple) $600.00
Enduring Powers of Attorney (Property or Care & Welfare) $500.00
Enduring Powers of Attorney (Property and Care & Welfare) $900.00
Enduring Powers of Attorney (Property and Care & Welfare, couple) $1,500.00


Online – Wills & EPA(s)

Preparing or updating a Will $250.00
Preparing or updating a Will (couple) $500.00
Enduring Powers of Attorney (Property or Care & Welfare) $350.00
Enduring Powers of Attorney (Property and Care & Welfare) $650.00
Enduring Powers of Attorney (Property and Care & Welfare, couple) $1,300.00



Independent advice (on Powers of Attorney) $500.00
Occupational Right Agreement (ORA) $3,000.00


Corporate Trustee Services

Trust (annual review charge) $750.00
Document review/signing $450.00


Property Sale Or Purchase

Selling a Home $2,300.00
Buying a Home/Section $2,600.00
Buying a Home – Kiwsaver $2,800.00
Refinancing $1,900.00

Includes GST and Government charges. Fixed fee does not apply to purchase or sale of a house where a Trust or Company is involved. We can purchase LIM on your behalf. Fees vary depending on the local authority and are additional.

For information visit: www.propertyplanit.co.nz

Hourly rate charges

We make sure the work completed for you is done by the people with the most appropriate experience and at the most cost effective rate for you. Our hourly rates vary from $135/hr up to $500/hr. We charge in what lawyers call “six minute units” so for someone charging at $200.00 per hour, the cost is $20.00 for every six minute unit.

GST is charged in addition to our hourly rates and only actual out of pocket expenses are on charged to you.

Unlike some firms, we do not charge an “office administration” or similar charge. So we don’t charge for things like faxes, tolls, or photocopying. We do charge for things like an expert’s report or actual travel and accommodation costs incurred if we have to go out of town for you.

We are very happy to provide you with an estimate for the type of work you are considering and depending on the type of work, we are happy to give you a binding quote if that is possible.


To keep your fees manageable, our usual policy is to send you a bill every month or when your fees go over $1,000.00. This keeps you informed as to how things are going and if fees are becoming an issue, we can talk about it early on.

At our sole discretion we may charge a cancellation fee. For fixed fee matters the cancellation fee will be $300 (incl GST). For other matters the fee will be 50% of time recorded at the appropriate billing rate.

Finally, we are aware that there are some organisations that fund legal fees; ranging from legal aid to lending companies to an organisation that pays for fees on a no win no fee basis – they take a percentage of anything you are awarded. For all of these organisations there are criteria that need to be satisfied before funds are available. We’re happy to talk with you about any of these options.

For questions about fees, feel free to call or email us for further information.

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