Privacy policy

The Privacy Act 1993 and JMJ Lawyers

The Privacy Act came into force on 1st July 1993. It relates to the collection, use and disclosure of information. A law practice is an agency that collects, uses and discloses information so we are bound to comply with the Act.
The following principals in the Act will be considered when dealing with our clients and their affairs.
Information must be collected for a lawful purpose
Information must be collected directly from the person concerned, unless:

  • It is public information
  • The person authorises the collection
  • It can be used without identifying anyone
  • It is another type of authorised collection under the Act
  • We must must make the person aware of your purpose in collecting information and the use it will be put to.
  • We must identify yourself and the firm you represent when collecting information.

Information must be stored correctly to protect it from:

  • Loss
  • Misuse


As part of normal duties, staff at JMJ Lawyers will obtain, or have access to confidential information concerning clients.

Under no circumstances will any use be made of any information that would bring any client, staff member, JMJ Lawyers or related company into disrepute.

All employees of JMJ Lawyers and related companies are also bound by the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client) Rules 2008

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